Our Middle School Team

5th & 6th Grade Homeroom | Middle School Math Teacher: Amy Hall

Amy Hall joined Pilgrim Lutheran’s staff in 2019.  After first being involved in the Pilgrim community as a parent, she couldn’t say no when given the opportunity to share her love of teaching with Pilgrim as well!  Prior to joining Pilgrim’s faculty, Amy worked for 15 years as a middle school math teacher in the Beaverton School District.  Amy and her husband, Jonathan, have a daughter (Brynn) and a son (Rhys), both of whom currently attend Pilgrim.  In her free time, Amy enjoys playing her violin, going on adventures with her family, and spoiling her 2 cats.

Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.  Proverbs 3: 5-6

7th & 8th Grade Homeroom | Middle School Science Teacher: Becky Stehle

Becky Stehle joined the Pilgrim staff in 2001.  She has always been the middle school science teacher and mostly the 8th grade homeroom teacher.  Life science was her first love but chemistry is a close second.  Becky graduated with high honors from Concordia Nebraska in 1997.  She then took her first call to the Ohio district and received  a distinguished new teacher of the year award.  In the summer of 1998 she married her highschool friend and moved to Florida.  She taught high school biology, anatomy and physiology, and chemistry while there.  Since coming to Pilgrim, Becky has been the volleyball coach many of the years, and last year our team won the league championship.  Becky and her husband Chris have 2 children, Elly a senior and Andrew a 5th grader who bring a lot of joy and adventures to their lives.

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. - Philippians 4:6-7

Middle School Humanities Teacher: Bill Northend 

Our humanities teacher, Bill Northend, loves teaching.  His various careers found him for five years as an executive with the Boy Scouts of America, 20 years as a stockbroker with Morgan Stanley, four years as a graduate student and 12 years as a Lutheran Pastor.  In each of those careers he had the opportunity to teach.  But he says teaching full time in the classroom is the most fun and rewarding career he has had.  “I can think of no more meaningful challenge than to help young people learn to think deeply, communicate clearly, and become prepared to find their place in the world. To be a part of this Godly work is an awesome privilege - and kids are just great fun to be with!” Bill and his wife Mary (also an elementary teacher) followed their grandkids to Oregon in 2021 after Bill retired from a church and school similar to Pilgrim.  

...Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.  But do this with gentleness and respect... 1 Peter 3:15

Art Program Director : Sarah Olson

Sarah Olson was born in Invercargill, New Zealand, one of the southernmost cities in the world. Her travel-enthusiast parents took her to many locations abroad, ultimately settling in the United States. She has had the privilege of studying at Parsons School of Design as well as the Art Institute of Portland. An accomplished designer who started out in fashion design and children’s illustration, she transitioned to structural interior design to focus primarily on residential remodels. She has been recognized by the Building Industry Association of Washington and received the 2008 Building Excellence Award for Residential Exterior. Sarah came to Pilgrim Lutheran Christian School by way of her youngest daughter attending Preschool. Shortly after enrolling her daughter it was her love of cooking and her enthusiasm to be a part of the school that she took over the role of “Chef” for the hot lunch program.  Her drive and passion for the school ultimately led to developing a robust Art curriculum. As a creative educator, Sarah’s goal is to continue to expose students to various mediums and techniques to further their growth within the Arts.

Music Program Director: Katie Erb

Ms. Erb is excited to join the Pilgrim Lutheran team as the new music teacher. She is a recent graduate of George Fox University with her degree in music (voice). She was very involved in choir all four years of college and received many solos and awards for her singing. She has taught private voice & piano lessons as well as group classes. She is an active performer in the Portland area - most recently cast as “Mabel” in Gilbert/Sullivan’s Pirates of Penzance. She is the oldest of four and enjoys cooking, hiking, and solitude with the Lord when she’s not singing! 

“The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.” Psalm‬ ‭23‬:‭1‬-‭3‬ 

Athletic Director | PE | Intervention Specialist: Alisa Benson

Alisa Benson joined Pilgrim’s teaching staff in 2014. She taught Kindergarten until the present school year. Alisa is currently teaching 1st/2nd grade. Alisa graduated from Pacific Lutheran University in 1993 with a BA degree in Japanese Language and Culture. In 1996 she was hired by the JET program to teach English in Japan for one year. Upon returning to the states, Alisa returned to school to receive her Masters Degree in Education from George Fox University where she also completed her ESOL endorsement. Alisa spent four years as a substitute teacher in the Beaverton School District before accepting her position at Pilgrim. Alisa enjoys sports and is currently the Athletics Director. Alisa has three children: Kyle, Julia and Payton. Her son Kyle was both a student and athlete while attending Pilgrim until he was promoted in 2016. Her youngest daughter Payton is currently a student at Pilgrim and plays basketball and soccer for the school teams.

You may not understand NOW what I am doing BUT SOMEDAY, you will. - John 13:7

Librarian: Lois Linnemann 

Lois has been a Lutheran educator for 32 years. After earning her Bachelor of Science in elementary education from Concordia University, Chicago; she began her teaching ministry as second grade teacher at a Lutheran school in Ogden, Utah.  In 1987, she was called to teach fifth and sixth grade at Pilgrim and was a classroom teacher, both full time and part time, for 9 more years before becoming school librarian in 2005.  Lois finds joy in working with children and helping them find pleasure in reading. She and her husband, Mark, were married at Pilgrim Lutheran Church in 1988, and together have three children. All three were baptized at Pilgrim and received excellent preschool, elementary and middle school educations at Pilgrim Lutheran School. She says that the teachers at PLCS gave each of her children a strong foundation academically and in their faith, and prepared them for the rigors of high school and college.

“But BLESSED is the one who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in him. They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.” Jeremiah 17:7-8